Export & Freight Apr-May 21

There’s definitely an air of optimism throughout the country, with the end of many of the restrictions we all have been forced to live with over the past year, and that optimism is being reflected in some, not all, sectors of
the transport and logistics sectors.

Coupled with the fact that the challenges thrown up by
Brexit seem to be gradually disappearing, with borders and paperwork becoming more manageable, the rest of 2021 hopefully holds out a more promising road to recovery.

That said, Covid-19 will be with us most likely forever, so we will still have to work with it and around it, but it can be done; our industry, if nothing else, has a definite ‘can do’ mentality which is well illustrated in this issue of Export & Freight.

As with many businesses in our industry, our own team has successfully adapted to ‘working from home’ to bring you all the latest, relevant news and views from the world of transport and logistics on a regular basis, through print and online via our constantly updating website at exportandfreight.com and our increasingly popular free weekly newsletters which you should be seeing in your ‘in boxes’ every Wednesday; if not, let us know and we will put matters right.

At this stage, we are still planning to hold our annual Golf Masters at the Lough Erne Resort in Fermanagh on Wednesday, September 1st, followed by our annual Export & Freight Transport & Logistics awards on Thursday 9th December at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in South Belfast, so keep those dates in your diary; if anything changes – and it may well do – we will let you know.

In this issue, we turn the spotlight on McCulla Ireland in our occasional series ‘Meet the Haulier,’ and we also bring you the latest developments in telecommunications and information technology, so vital today to keep the wheels of our industry firmly on the road; we also look at what is happening in the trailer market, keep you up to date with new van and pick-up
launches and report on the latest news in shipping.

Of course, we also have all our regular columns from the RHA, Logistics UK, the Transport Regulation Unit and FORS.

Please click the link below to
download the Apr-May 2021 issue of Export and Freight Magazine.

Download “Export & Freight Apr-May 2021”

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