Export & Freight Apr-May 2016

As the vote on whether the UK stays in Europe or leave fast approaches, hauliers and exporters across the north and south of Ireland have been expressing their concerns on the final outcome. The UK, of course, represents one of Ireland’s most important marketplaces, and many hauliers from the south also use Britain as a gateway to mainland Europe, but it is difficult to predict with any certainty what impact Brexit would have.

As for those in the north and in the rest of the UK, there are those who believe operating outside the EU would add complication and cost to the supply chain and inhibit movement of goods across borders. Only time will reveal all; there is still a lot of indecision out there.

But back to the here and now: it’s showtime again, with the Commercial Vehicle Show at the NEC in Birmingham next on our agenda. However, it won’t be the same because many of our major truck manufacturers, and some van makers, too, have decided to give it a miss this year for a variety of reasons. Could this be a bad omen for the future?

On the shipping front, our local ports continue to perform very well, as do many of our freight ferry operators, and in this issue we carry our annual comprehensive guide to shipping; an easy to understand  and invaluable reference point for the industry.

We also take a look back at a hugely successful FTA Transport Managers Conference held recently in Belfast when one of the big highlights was the staging of a Public Inquiry by the Head of the Transport Regulation Unit.
And we report on Northern Ireland’s first CILT Academy which is seen as a unique alternative and innovative route into the transport and logistics industry here.

In this issue, too, you will find all the information you need to enter this year’s Export & Freight Transport & Logistics Awards, And, of course, we have
our regular features from the FTA and RHA, whose columns always make interesting and timely reading.

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